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Qur'anic Language Made Easy
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ID : Y4110
Title : Qur'anic Language Made Easy
By : Hafiza Iffath Hasan
ISBN : 1563160269
Binding : PB
Weight (g) : 837
Price : Please email to if you wish to enquire the pricing.
This work is a response to the demands made by students of Arabic language to transform teaching notes and methodologies into a textbook. The author, Iffath Hasan, is both a hafiza (one who has memorized the entire Qur'an) and an Arabic teacher who is now opening the door of Qur'anic comprehension to eager learners everywhere. IQRA' hopes beginners will find this book a helpful guide as s/he aspires to open the door to the message of the Divine revelation.

Click here to see sample content of this book.